how to do yoga exercise| Simple Yoga Exercises

how to do yoga exercise

A Guide to Some Simple Yoga Poses to Stretch and Strengthen The benefits of a regular yoga practice are wide-ranging. In general,

 a complete yoga workout can help keep your back and joints healthy, 

The goal is to breath deeply by inhaling and exhaling completely and in a balanced manner through your nose

Yoga means to move towards an experiential reality where one knows the ultimate nature of the existence, the way it is made.”

See, people these days call "recreational yoga," "health yoga", people refer to it as an art form - they think they are serving yoga as an art form. No. The moment you add the word yoga, it indicates that it is a complete path in itself.

Yoga is not about bending and turning your body or holding your breath. It is a mechanism and a technique to take you to that state of experience where you see reality as it is.

The word yoga essentially means, "that brings you to reality". It literally means union. Yoga is not in the form of an idea, philosophy or a concept that you imbibe. 
Sangh means that it brings you to the ultimate reality, where personal manifestations of life are superficial bubbles in the process of creation. 
A coconut tree and a mango tree have just emerged from the same earth. Human bodies and so many creatures have originated from the same earth. It is all one earth.

Patanjali defined and described yoga in many ways because he was more scientific than a saint. He learned a lot about it mathematically. The sutra is like a sutra. 
He simply said, "Mind instinct detention." This means that if the intellect is restrained, then you will be in yoga. The basic nature of your intellect is divisive. It is a knife-like device. 
For intelligence, the way to analyze and know anything is to cut, to cut and see everything. If you continue to dissect everything, then you will be able to know one aspect of life, 
but you will not know the nature of life.

By dissecting, you can know materiality - you cannot know the wholeness of life. So Patanjali said that if you consciously turn off your intelligence and you are still alert - not intoxicated .
if you hold your intellect and it is not cutting anything, then it is in a state of detention is. This means that the intellect is not active, but you are fully conscious. 
Then you are in yoga, because if you do not divide the world, as you breathe, as you are pulsed with life, you will come to know that you are part of everything.

Today it is a scientific fact that the entire existence is a single energy that is manifesting itself in millions of different ways. Religions of the world have been saying for centuries, 
"God is everywhere". Whether you say "God is everywhere" or "Everything is an energy," it is no different. Einstein called it energy, you call it God. This is the same thing that is being expressed in two different ways.
 But a scientist has derived it only mathematically. They have not experienced it. A person who just believes it has not even experienced it.

Is it possible that everything becomes one. Whatever is within these limits is you, and what is outside is not you - it is the experience of your life.
 For example, once you drink a glass of water, you feel the water as yourself. At this time everything that made up your body was outside in the form of food or water. Once you put it within the limits of your sensation, you experience it as yourself.

At any moment in your life, if you had known a feeling of immense bliss or ecstasy, if you had placed your hands about eight or nine inches on your body, you would have felt the touch of the body.
 Likewise, it is a medical fact that even when a physical leg is amputated, the sensory leg remains intact. The sensory body has its own presence beyond the physical body. There is a way to enlarge your sensory body.

If you make your life energies very euphoric and joyful, then your sensory body becomes as big as you want. Yoga is to expand the range of your sensations in such a way that you experience the whole universe as a part of yourself. Everything becomes one. This is the union.

What are the benefits of yoga?

Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self.

Yoga creates internal mindfulness. It concentrates on your body's capacities at the current second. It creates breath and quality of psyche and body.

It's not about physical appearance. Yoga is considered as one of the best medicines for any disorder.

It is a way of life. Endless..!

The advantages are mental as well as physical too:

  • Yoga Builds Your Adaptability: If you have not found out about Yoga's
  •  ability to expand its adaptability, you must have been living under a
  •  stone for twenty years. To gain adaptability, it is able to rehearse yoga
  •  regularly and reliably so that muscle memory can be built; However,
  •  take as much time as necessary, and show restraint!

  • Yoga improves your quality: Yoga is not just about expansion and
  •  diversion, it also requires a wonderful measure of unity. Physical
  •  quality is important to prevent injury, to support safe structures and
  •  digestion, and to help simplify routine ventures.

  • Yoga helps your insensitive structure: any kind of development is
  •  exceptional to keep the resistant structure healthy. With yoga
  •  miscarriages, changes, bending back and calming, the body can invest
  •  more energy inside the parasympathetic sensory system (rest and
  •  digestion) and the thoughtful sensory system (fight or flight
  •  structure, which causes pressure and irritation And brings highly)
  •  down resistant structures).
  • Yoga encourages you to concentrate: Since your brain will be calm and
  •  dirt-free, it is easy to direct vitality where you need it. In yoga they
  •  say that you create one-intensity scheduling through training. You
  •  train the psyche to be alert and present. Research has demonstrated
  •  that after a yoga class you are usually better prepared to focus on
  •  your psychological assets, process data more accurately, and learn,
  •  capture and update snippets of data more successfully Huh.
  • Yoga changes your vitality: If your morning program starts with
  •  elevating yourself and swallowing an espresso, try doing ten rounds
  •  of Surya Namaskar or some Kapalabhati Pranayama, and its
  •  energizing effects on the sensory system. Pay attention to
  •  Alternatively, if you need a change later in the day, only a few
  •  moments of asana practice can re-balance the sensory system, calm
  •  the brain and give you an alternative view.

  • We all know the generalities: flexibility of body and mind,
  •  centeredness, a limbic body, better ability to deal with depression, but
  •  I've found that there are other benefits that might not be immediately
  •  noticeable, and have come with them. 32 list:

  • 1.- Discipline

  • Ever since I got into the practice of yoga, especially the Ashtanga, the
  •  word "discipline" took on a different meaning, a visceral one. Now I
  •  understand at the cellular level what it means to practice, and I like it.

  •  I feel that it has moved into other areas of my life, for example, I
  •  realize that being present for a conversation is also a "practice" a

  • Considering the type of vegetables, spinach is washed away when I
  •  recite the Yoga Sutra in Sanskrit, or how each word is pronounced.

  •  The practice of yoga as a discipline has brought a new level of awareness in my life.

  • 2.- Better breathing
  • While we were dating my husband used to joke with me that I could
  •  tell when his breathing changed and no one had told him about it
  • before.

  • There is no more obvious benefit than my way of breathing. I notce
  •  how I breathe now, every moment. I notice when it shrinks, and when
  •  it deepens. Just simple awareness has improved the quality of my life,
  •  now I know when I have to slow down, take a break, sit on a cushion.

  • 3.-Effective use of resources
  • Sitting on the mat for one-and-a-half hours every day taught me to
  •  use my energy carefully, to ensure that it would last for the session. It
  •  has reappeared as I go through the day, paying attention to the way I
  •  am speaking. Do I sing too much energy to speak too loudly? Or am I
  •  trying too hard where it is not necessary? Maybe trying to explain
  •  something to someone?

  • The cellular level awareness of my limited human energy has made it
  •  more relevant in life when I am away from mats, and I can also quickly
  •  find out where there are interruptions, where the energy is
  •  interrupted, e.g. For: Do I have many things I don't need? Do I really
  •  need to buy something, or will I like it for some time and not use it
  •  again?

  • 4.-Being on my full weight
  • I released 30 pounds through yoga, and it was not through being hard
  •  on myself or being strong or weak, it was done through love. I have
  •  also learned to love my body, as it is.

  • 5.- I stopped complaining

  • I think complaining is the biggest obstacle to success. there! It is a
  •  waste of energy and leaks into the system. While I was at it, it was a
  •  great promoter for me to show and handle the "victim" motif, never a
  •  good medium for development or creativity. Here are 8 reasons why I
  •  think we should all stop complaining.
Which is better: yoga or gym?

As a desire to stay fit or health conscious, this question must have come to your mind, "Which is better: Yoga or gym?"

We are all limited by time and you can only spend a certain amount on activities for the betterment of health. So, which one is the best.

Let's compare between the two to understand. Note: I will only highlight the benefits of both, so that you can decide. Obviously, both methods are proven over a period of time, more later than before but still. 

Therefore, both have their respective associated benefits. Depending on your purpose, you can choose the one that best suits your needs. I will also tell you my way of thinking.

Yoga practices provide flexibility, strengthening and toning. Yoga is not only about muscles but about raising your consciousness.

 It takes care of your mind and body together. Works to clean your internal organs and at the same time increases the energy level of every cell in your body.

Yoga is also about internal reflection and is a tool to know yourself better.

No equipment is required to practice yoga and you can do it with limited space. You do not have to take long to go to the gym unless you practice yoga with a professional and the best thing is that you do not have to pay a monthly fee.

 Unlike the gym, yoga is not very stressful on the body, resulting in a greater desire to exercise and not a bunk.

 Conversely, after doing yoga one feels refreshed and energetic. While a session in the gym can make you tired. Yoga does not keep you hungry, rather it controls the body for optimum intake. Yoga works on body, mind and intellectual well-being.

The gym

Now the gym has its advantages. If you want a body that everyone appreciates and in a short time, the gym can be the only answer. The gym is great for fast results, 

but it requires equipment and a sufficient amount of space if you choose to set up a gym at home. There is more science to support it in recommended exercise and diet in the gym.

I am assuming that you are talking about weight lifting by going to the gym. Otherwise, there are many ways to fit in the gym nowadays including cardio, MMA, functional training etc. are available in the gym.

The gym is a modern mechanics designed to build muscle, stamina and strength. This will definitely help you in developing your body.

It is difficult to be a regular in the gym nowadays, living in a fast-paced world. I had a problem with being regular and it caused a loss of my muscles. 

So I have now turned to yoga and am enjoying it everyday. The best thing is that I can do it anytime and anywhere. For me, yoga is my thing, especially after Corona.

Now I combine yoga with pushups, pullups and martial arts (Shotokan karate). Free weight exercises now suit me.

Now, you have to make a choice. Whether you want to go to the gym or stay healthy at home with yoga and other free weight exercises for greater stamina, strength and flexibility.

Why do kids need to do yoga?

Yoga is not just for adults! In fact, it can provide children with very important life skills that can help them succeed in the world.

Here is a more detailed explanation of how teaching yoga to children and using yoga in the classroom can have a positive effect on children's well-being:

Yoga helps children to manage their anxiety. Breathing exercises and relaxation techniques learned from the practice of yoga can help children in stress management. Teaching children how to reduce stress in a healthy way is an important life skill that will help them as children and adults.

Yoga improves children's emotional regulation. Another benefit of yoga for children is that it helps children learn to live in the present moment while achieving comfort and a peaceful state of mind, which ultimately improves their emotional regulation.

Yoga increases children's self-esteem. Yoga for children can work wonders for their self-respect. Completing a pose or improving their balance and flexibility can give young children a sense of personal empowerment.

Yoga increases children's body awareness and mindfulness. Performing different types of yoga yoga helps children to know about their body and the activities they are capable of doing.

Yoga increases children's concentration and memory. One of the top benefits of children's yoga is that a variety of tricks require children to focus and work on their recall skills - both of which can translate into their academic performance.

Yoga develops children's strength and flexibility. Yoga helps strengthen the growing body of children and helps improve their flexibility, which can reduce their chances of injury.

Yoga teaches discipline and reduces impulse. Yoga can reduce challenging behavior in the classroom by providing children with a physical outlet to express themselves. It also teaches children about discipline as they work on clearing their minds and perfecting their posture.

Is yoga better than other exercises?

Yes, yoga is better than other exercises. It is one of the best physical activity that gives many types of health benefits. Practicing yoga in daily routine will do wonders in my life. Practicing yoga and its asanas in your daily routine will give you great benefits to relieve stress and tension from your mind.

You will see positive changes in your life from the day you start practicing. IT does not require any tools or equipment to practice yoga in your routine. Your body weight is enough for practicing yoga. This is the best way to practice yoga and you will not get hurt while practicing yoga.

Here are the benefits of yoga:

Practice anytime

Practice anywhere

Natural stress buster

Helps in weight loss

Fight anxiety and depression

what is yoga? Does yoga help in health?

History of yoga

Tapasya Tapas (Sanskrit) is mentioned under the Vedic Code ((Kaal | Brahman)).

The Vedas (900 to 500 BCE) from ancient times, while the Tamasic practices consist of

Found in ancient Vedic languages. Many sculptures that display common yoga or samadhi

The currency has been found in place of the Indus Valley Civilization (c. 3300–1600 BCE). accordingly

According to archaeologist Gregory Posehl, "these statues point to the religious connection of yoga"

Rites of Yoga "However it is set

Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

In Indian philosophy, one of the six philosophies is called yoga. Yoga is closely related to

Philosophical System, Sankhya School. The Yoga sect, as explained by sage Patanjali,

The Samkhya accepts psychology and metaphysics, but is more a believer than the Samkhya gharana,

A proof because divine power is also added to the twenty-five elements of Samkhya reality.

Yoga and Samkhya are so similar to each other that Maxmüller says, "These two philosophies

So famous that Patanjali, while understanding the difference between each other, is widely considered

As the founder of formal yoga philosophy. Patanjali's Yoga is a system for intelligence

Control, known as Raja Yoga. Patanjali has defined the word "yoga" in his second sutra, which is

For his entire work, he considered the interpretation formula.

Yama (Five "Parihars"): Non-violence, not lies, greed, non-sexuality, and non-rights.

Niyam (Five "Religious Actions"): Piety, contentment, penance, study, and dedication to God.

Asana: The basic meaning "sitting posture" and meditation in the Patanjali Sutra

Pranayama ("to keep the breath suspended"): to control or restrain the breath, breathing, "ayam", moreover, it is

To control the life force is explained.

Pratyahara ("abstraction"): the withdrawal of the senses from external objects.

Dharana ("concentration"): Meditating on a single goal.

Dhyana ("meditation"): The nature of the object of meditation is intense meditation.

Samadhi ("Vimukti"): to associate the object of meditation with Chaitanya. There are two types of it - options and

the option. There is no way or system to return to the world in Avikalpa Samadhi. It is extreme

The state of the yoga system.

What is yoga benefit

In present times people do yoga to get satisfaction due to their busy lifestyles. Yoga not only does away

Stress of a person but also brings peace to mind and brain. Yoga is very beneficial. No yoga

Our brain not only provides strength to the brain, but also purifies our soul. Many people are upset today

Obesity, yoga is very beneficial for them. The benefits of yoga are known today, due to which yoga is Famous abroad.

Yoga goal

The goal of yoga is to improve health and attain moksha (experience of the soul of God).

The goal of yoga takes the form of Moksha in the difference between the Advaita sect of Jainism.

Advaita Vedanta and Shaiva Sect, all worldly sufferings, and birth. To get rid of

The death cycle (samsara), at that moment there is a feeling of symmetry with the ultimate Brahman.

In the Mahabharata, the goal of yoga is described as Brahma's entry into the world, such as Brahma, or

Experiencing the soul that pervades all things.

Mircha Eliade says of yoga that it is not just a physical exercise, but also a spiritual technique.


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